Sunday, November 25, 2007


Ever wondered how peaceful, how rejuvenating, how wonderful could you feel, when you are alone, with little or no one else around, only the nature and the environment. You can hear the cicadas screeching, you can feel the fresh air surrounding you, you can see the nature around you. Only you and yourself.

If only there is such an area for me to train in, just this place, this perfect peaceful environment. No, it doesn't need to be in a forest, it can be anywhere nobody frequents. If only there is this one place where no one can disturb, irritate or distract me. If only it is just me and the environment, if only.

How great can it be?

You are absolutely free, you can do anything you want, without being looked or laughed at. Because this is what we suppose to be, an animal, to be free. Not only that, the peacefulness and quietness of the environment is something really refreshing, something really relaxing. There is more, now with no distractions, you can concentrate more and focus better, with help of clearing your mind and think that there is nothing except you and the environment.

How calming.

Just do whatever you want to, be yourself, be playful, move around your environment in your own way, be free, just keep moving, like a kid in playgrounds, having fun. Pay attention to the environment, and be alert and aware to your surroundings, listen to the nature. Listen to your body too, do what your body tells you to. To move.

To move is something that our bodies are meant to be doing. Since young, we are moving and jumping around because it is our nature. Playing around and having fun at playgrounds, moving like a human should. Until the moment when we are grown up, when we reached an age where we are "mature", then someone says its childish to play again, then we all listen to it, and then we laughed at those "immature kids" that plays at playgrounds again. As I said, what a ruined world.

We are apes, right? We are an animal. No matter what we think, we are still an animal. Some very clever one. But no, we think that we are superior beings, we think that we are not an animal. Stupid people. "Watch the squirrel, watch the puma, watch all non-domesticated wild animals. Think they're of an inferior intelligence? They play, they explore, they live, they survive too, they adapt, they fight for their lives," Thats what an animal, which is what we are, suppose to be. Sadly, no one bothers, and there are such thing as animal cruelty, animal abuse. What a ruined world.

Do we look like an animal anymore? Nope, obviously not. Animal don't play computer, don't shop, don't watch TV, don't buy stuffs and eat. They hunt for food, unlike us lazy beings who buy stuffs and eat them. So much had changed in generations.

Let's get back to topic.

If there is such an environment which exist here in Singapore, how cool would it be. Any remote areas, any rural areas would be good. I would certain want to try out training alone, in a really peaceful area. I don't mind travelling really far, as long as it is satisfiable, I really wouldn't mind, and yeah, I planned to travel around Singapore too.

I also wonder why, I'll ask you something readers.
What do you aim in when you are doing a wall pass? Do you aim to do it quick? Do it fast? Do it without hesistation? Do it fluidly? Do it to get stronger? Do it explosively? Do it for stamina? Do it controlled?
So I ask you, what is a wall pass? A wall pass is to overcome an a high wall by climbing it and getting over it. So whats the objective? Climbing it and getting over it. Thats it.
Yes, when we are new, we always wanted to only reach the top, grab the ledge, and maybe struggle up. We don't aim for anything specific, but once we get better, like knowing that we can climb the wall, we aim to get faster, to get higher, to get fluider. What for? Yes, Parkour is to overcome obstacles efficiently and quickly. But the objective is to get over the wall. If you drill it repeatedly, the speed, control, fluidity, strength, endurance and other attributes will all come naturally as a consequence. Same goes for every other movements, and every other thing.

So next time, clear your mind, focus, and then interact with your environment. Don't think of anything else, and don't let anything distract you. And have fun.

Hebertiste had inspired me alot, and I've borrowed some of his lines from his posts.

Right now, I'm suffering from the pain of something I did, something really foolish and stupid. I regretted doing that, I don't know why I did that, and somemore this ain't the first time I did something stupid. I never learn from my mistakes. How stupid am I. I think this is quite a serious injury, I think I'll listen to my body I give it more rest that it needs. I have already rested for 2 days, I've recovered from my fever, but now something that I did really stupid might just make this resting period longer. I'm urging to go out and train. My lower back-hip area hurts alot, I'll see how it goes tomorrow.

Operation Pull is not going that well. On Thursday I was sore, so I don't want to do pull ups, and also don't want to do strenuous exercise as on Friday I'm doing Hell Night. But Friday I'm sick, so I can't do much either. Today I kinda slacked at home, but I did light training outside, to give some light impact to my bare feet so the next time when it heals, it gets stronger. I think I'm resting tomorrow too, because of my injury. I'll guess I will increase the number of pulling forces on Monday then.

(I hope) Monday would be the start of training again, start of a serious and focused training. Need to condition and strengthen up myself more. Lately hadn't been doing much strength training. I think I'll give it a makeover, same goes for my movements training. Need to get more control, start listening to my body, focus more, be more careful, stop being stupid and reckless, and of course to know my limits. And get stronger.

I think it is a good 3 day rest.

This blog hadn't been a month old but it already got 15 posts. I think posting too many. And posting too long. But it kinda fun and good.

I guess I've talked enough.

"The body adapts naturally. Always. Trust it. Trust your own nature. Go natural." - Hebertiste.

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