Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Damn it.

Yet another rant of usual daisies.

Borrrrrringgggggg. Fuck my knee, now I'm getting scared. I think it is nothing serious but there is no guarantee. At such a young age, and only training for not more then 16 months, some shitty knee probelm already. All thanks to poor self-control, not listen to my body, and pure stupidity. All of that combined with the "repeat mistakes and never learn from them" shit. How about that.

I hope to resume training from next week. I kinda lost interest of training again because of the long draught of training. So irritating. But I'll still need to see my condition before training again. And probably I'm gonna say this in hopes that I finally realize and mean what I say, start train low-impacts, strength training more, train safe, stay focused, don't force myself, no bails, self-awareness, stuffs that I know I'm capable of, nothing big, don't do anything stupid, control myself, listening to my body, stop repeating same old dumb mistakes. REALLY. As much as how the 6 capitalized letters seems like having the words "irony" displayed in luminous LED lights right above it, this time (probably the 57th time already), its damn true.

Recently after this stupid incident (the incident that I wish to forget because everytime I think of it, bad thoughts come into mind and makes me feel damn fucking stupid), I've been thinking of movements. Was wondering, why does it only happens on wallpasses (who mostly newcomers would agree, a movement seemingly looks kinda harmless and not really stressful), when I keep forcing myself to do until I get it. Why not on far precision jumps, not on far SDCs, not on armjumps, or some other shits.

Answer is actually quite easy, my wallpass are fucking inconsistent. The world's most inconsistent movement, ever. I now still cannot climb castle 100%. Which is dumb. I mean Nazir's wallpass at dino is already damn consistent, on shorter walls he can pop it straight. His technique is one of a kind. To me he is the king of wallpasses (what a way to say it). Anyway, lets see, the infamous wall where my recent stupid incident is, when I was filming this wallpass for my March sampler, I took only three tries. I'm not sure its by luck or what, but I know that even though I have progressed more and this time even after 40 idiotic attempts, I can only grip the edge for a second and lose hold of it in some tries. Why haven't I progressed? I know I've been practicing a fair amount of wallpasses too. My technique still sucks, probably. Even on low walls I feel I use alot of effort in a wallpass. And I have to really subconsciously think to jump up LIKE HELL, but still fail to do so. My muscle memory is full of shit. Wallpass is my most hated technique. I'm not gonna care about wallpass anymore!! Only short walls. SHORT WALLS ROCKS!! At least if I do a faster wallpass is better then do a super high wall and getting up slowly :P BECAUSE I CAN PULL YOUR LEGS DOWN !! WALLPASS SUCKS!!

I only say that because I hate bad memories.

My favourite technique or movements is definitely the saut de chat. Best movements on earth. When you do it, you're like flying, only for a second that is. Jokes aside, I think thats my best, I really like doing it, I could say its my strength. Although it is rarely efficient in real-time runs, My vaults are also my strength too. I'm good and comfortable with them, I think I could link vaults pretty well too, but yeap thats it.

Armjumps are my second favourite movements, so much better then wallpasses. I like landing onto the wall and my landing on it is quite nice. Sure I've yet to conquered the castle huge running armjump, but its just a matter of time, when I've grown taller, they will come, easily :). My climbups after armjumps are still not really solid, but once they are, I swear they're so gonna be sick, fo' realz. Soon soon.

My precisions are pretty weak too. Sure I can jump a distance but then when it comes to balancing and control, I suck. My rail precisions are most oftenly by luck. I can't balance properly on small surfaces. My boxjumps are kinda very sloppy too. Also, my arm swinging is super weird sometimes. I'm still not very good in it, so much to practice on.

Laches and other small movements, LaCHES are fun to do, really fun. Climbups are nice too, although I've yet to do the straight-armed climbup. My rolls sucks. 180s are quite fun but I suck at it too.

I don't know why am I talking all this shit but, take it that I'm bored or what. I'm always bored.

Videos, the latest video I'm working is so far so good. I've been editing about the first third of the clip and its very cool already. I really can't wait to see the end product. Nowadays have been experimenting and editing the video slowly bit by bit. I still can't finish editing the whole video as yet because I still lack a couple of clips. But I don't want this video to be finished hasty because I hope to display my editing and filming at its best. And some movements is pretty big as well. As much as this video seem like a showreel, its not, its just a video to experiment editing and note progression, but thats pretty much it. I have a fun time editing, and I'm sure the outcome of this video would be pretty wicked. Just you wait!

And Glen said things about newcomers I've thought that really made sense. Lets not care about newcomers anymore now as they also dont really care about what we say anyway. So theres no point. Its really hard to see the future of PKSG, we can only hope and pray. We shouldn't bother much about them either. They will only make is bore us to death or we get sick of them. They ultimately move and do the things the way they want it to be. So we could care less.

Anyway nowadays I've been procrastinating alot and I can't get myself to do something else like doing homework or at least practice some handstands and rolls. I'm super lazy right now. I don't know what I do on computers anyway. Straight after school I head back home and play this computer non-stop. Thats because I'm not training. Because of some stupid injuries. Because of some stupid incident. Because of stupid lack of self-control. Because of not learning from stupid mistakes. Because I don't know whats wrong with me. Because I have no more sentence to write down anymore. SO BYEBYE ITCHES.

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