Monday, June 16, 2008

Random Update?

...and a random title.

Ok, its a week. I'm getting back on training.
This time, its serious business. I really hope I mean what I say, I do what I say, I get what I say. I'm getting back training hard everyday (at least 4 times a week), squatting, pressing, deadlifting, and pulling my way to my goals. I need to get back on track. I remember what I said last time, how I wanted to get a high vertical, huge box jump, springy legs, insane speed, eye-popping distances, jump like nothing. Its getting back into my mind, after watching ever inspiring videos, that keeps my blood pumping.

Cutxman, Dim Monk, Daniel Ilabaca, HeangKoing, Stefan Holm, Blane, other parkour videos. Go search them in Youtube or something.

For strength training, I have a new system in mind, I'll still do what I used to do, weighted pullups, bench press, squats and deadlifts. But at the last week of the month I will do 1rm of my squats, checking for progression. Increase weights every month, in a gradual and progressive manner of course. Practice form of goodmornings and front squats. My deadlifts and benchpresses are getting there, I will now work on slowly increasing the weights. Squats are there, pullups are ok. I just need to push myself back on training at gym on a regular basis and things will start coming my way again.

Movements, I don't know why but I'm doing them more often, so I'll start going to gym more rather then the outside. Also I might wanna spend somedays training some movements that I wanna improve in before heading to gym. Maybe a small less-then-30-minutes session focusing on rolls, or wallpasses, or precisions, or anything that I wanna work on, then I'll take a rest then head to gym. My rolls and climbups are getting a whole lot better but they still have alot to be worked on. And I will need to spend more time practicing my handstands and a little mix of handbalancing and rolling at home, followed by some stretching and stuffs. I just need to realize that I shouldn't spend too much time on movements, keep sessions less then 2hours, or not my knees will get tired and my tendons (and me) will suffer.

Flips and tricking on the other hands, I feel like spending more time outside working on all of my flips, getting them consistent especially backflips for the moment. Now its time to work on my fear and then get my technique and everything right. On playground. I also realize I spend very little time on my flips, yet I expect so much from them. How stupid. I need alot of practice, and I need to put in alot of hardwork in it. Backflip is my target for now. I'm not sure about later but right now I must work on my backflip.

I got a video in mind. It will display my filming and editing (more of editing though) at its very best, and some movements which I think is worth to be on filmed. A great song to couple with it too. Some random clips but all that makes it better. Watch out for it, it won't disappoint. But then again I must reiterate, its not much of movements (although that is what counts, just not in this video), more of a test of editing, experimenting here and there, and just for fun's sake. I don't wish to rush this video, because for things to be good, time is needed. So no hurry.

Speaking about videos, I lost all my clips, including all the photos and clips in my Vietnam trip, as my sister's hard disk drive spoilt. Fuck for not having extra backups. What a big mistake, and such a big loss.

I know that if I want to achieve my goals, I can't run away from training. I need to work hard for each and every goal, and all the strength training needed will be worth it once my goals are reached. Thats why I decided I can't just forget about going to the gym anymore although my body don't feel like it. Its more like, since my body is lazy, I must force myself to go to the gym. That'll need discipline.

I think around August, or maybe September (time will answer that), I will start very small plyometrics. Box jumps, depth jumps. I will plan it accordingly, record progression, and slowly increase the depth/height. I'll do more research. But for now, I practice a little bit of boxjump in my movement training, just to get use to the technique. But small ones.

I really need to get control of myself, especially in trainings, and not laze around using the computer for thousands of hours and end up wasting all my time watching youtube videos which will probably do very little help in my life. Everything requires discipline, so I should really stop running away from training, stop finding excuses, stop doing stupid stuffs in movements training, and -add whatever things I have in mind here-.

It will start from tomorrow.

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