Friday, June 19, 2009


Just came back from jim, gotten myself two new personal records.
Let me update my PR list.

Personal Records (as of 19 June 2009)
Full squats - 92.5kg x 1rep
Pullups - 37.5kg x 1rep
Deadlifts - 85kg x 3reps
BenchPress - 60kg x 3reps
MilitaryPress - 40kg x3reps
Front Squats - 60kg x5reps

What happened today. I think I didn't do too well with the squats. I got the main aim of 90kg rather easy so I went to go for 92.5kg, which I think I can handle rather easily as well, so I didn't put my heart and soul to get it up as I know I would already be able to do it (overconfident, complacent, again). So just get down I thought I could got up easily, but no I didn't, it was a badly forced rep with rounded back and I was really unsatisfied with it. Was rather reckless knowing this as a 1rm test I should put my effort for solid form but no. Mimics a huge drop with horrible back rounding in the landing. 92.5kg, how come I am not realising that poor form would mean bad things. So lesson learnt AGAIN.
Nevermind about that. Thought I would give my proper all in a second try in order to make things up. Was alot better the second try. Proper form. So I would consider that as a proper PR. Pullups on the other hand, was on a much higher note. I got my first goal of 30kgx2 rep, then easily nailed 32.5kg, and 35kg was still submaximal. 37.5kg where I thought would be my final one, put all my effort into it, got it well. Was quite a good improvement from the last 28kgx3rep record.

Both records was good. Both showed good progression towards my main goal. 100kg squats (2plates) would be a goal to get by this year (if possible, 100kg for reps), and probably do 40kg pullups for a few reps is good enough. Need to do more OAC negative, something I never train at all... So I guess the next routine will be around August, final routine of the year. Probably should hit those goals at the end of the year. I'm nearing them in just half a year, so with enough hardwork I should easily get them with some time to spare. I hope. Lets not be too confident.

Deloading in the meantime. And before the new routine I would like to touch up on my benchpresses, frontskwats and alivelifts. Probably I want to get a new record for my deadlifts (3rm), should be easy, and front squats to 70kg. Slowly. Just get good frontsquatting form and benchpress, I think just maintain. Maintain all my lifts and go for reps and good form instead of heavier ones. Getting use to the weights now instead. Just make use of spare time to polish up everything. Train my lowerback. Power. All this so I can exceed squatting plateaus. I have no idea what to do for the next routine, so some research would be needed as well.

On the other hand.. movements.
I hope I get it. Ever since the huge SDC2P nailed at Chong Pang, I have always been finding bigger, further sdc2p to do as to push my limits. Same goes for most things. Then realising theres no biggie about getting big big stuffs. There's much more important things to go for rather then those. Rushing your way there wouldn't get your anywhere, the most just shortening the lifespan of your knees. So, its better not to. Also, I'm bored of just doing sdc, sdc and sdc. There are other more important stuffs to train for, and its just stupid to train on one thing.

As human, we are all entitled to changes. In the past, its all about how wide a table can you dive kong over. Or dash. About what kind of vaults you can do, how high you can go. Then just abit of change, then all of sudden its climbups. Best climbups, fastest, straight armed climbups. The cleaner the better. Then you get to know more about PK. You know its not about climbups only. But I think the main craze is to get the further SDC now. It is like the traceur trademark, huge catpasses. At least that's what I see in Singapore, but I'm pretty sure other countries are, too. Quite alot of emphasis placed on SDCs. But nowadays, its all about strides and leg power, buildering as well, that is in the UK.
Gotta need to vary everything, not just SDC or wallpasses or far precisions. This includes flips and things, work on my weaknesses. I need to drill more on my control in my precisions and landings. Can't stick stuffs well, landings loud and uncontrolled. Still not used to rolls. So need more practice.
SUNDAY's update.
Yesterday training was quite good, went to Buangkok, and of course, loving the place.
That is, for peekaye. Flips are kinda fucked up, but I just need to keep drilling, I guess. My backflips are like, amazingly so hard for one who have gotten it for so long already. It just feels so weird. I hate my backs, but shouldn't dwell to much on it. Each bail means -20% of what I've learnt. Screw up the muscle memory so bad. Still can't get a soft landing on it. Sideflips are getting weird too. Travelling diagonally, flailing up in mid air, lost its touch and feel, and not getting the height I used to get. Don't know why. Need to fix it up.

On the brighter side, I've gotten a further running catleap (the one a buangkok) and a higher one (damedulac), was pretty happy with both achievements. Both shows the strength I've gained and better technique. My landings was good that day, and no bails (excluding flips I suppose). Only did one SDC2p for a change, haha. But on normal catleaps I seem to neglect the other leg, so placing too much force on one leg in a cat don't seem good. Still trying to get better landings and saves. I know the technique for you know those jump high and place two legs high on the top of the wall but not exactly precision. Just got to absorb it properly, stick to the wall awhile, then slide down and grab the wall.

As much as it seems repeated, and rather obvious, I need to drill my flips, place more priority on them rather then pk. Because I'm long satisfied with my pOrkcore and all I need is better flips. So more practice on them. Still having fear with them and taking a rather long time to prepare myself for it. Don't know whats with that. Lost my wallflip too I think, and my lache gainer is just rusty. I need alot more practice. I used to have solid flips quite some time ago, but not sure why, things just gone down the drain. Let's not think negatively, just practice and I'll get there. Let's hope to learn more with the aussies and brits come.

Went to gym today, first day of deloading, and my pullups was the main issue. I can't complete 3sets of 5 with 60%1rm. Maybe it is because I'm only good with strength not endurance. And I rely alot on my recovery. Like sometimes its good (when fresh), sometimes its sucks (when tired). On other exercises they are okay and rather consistent. Not for pullups. All my forms of exercise can be better, too.

Got school on Mon, Tues, Wed, from 8am-6pm. So I can only train my flips during the breaks I guess. Take a small 3 day break from the gym as well. Interaction time.

Should spend less time blogging.
Main thing now, is to think positively, and practice more flips.

Handstands here I come.

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