Saturday, August 29, 2009


Training hasn't been very good, I've been lacking motivation, but rather of studying as is my intended purpose of training less, I've been using computer at an overbearing rate of time, much exceeding my usual days when I go out to train. My main reason to not go to gym that often anymore is so I could get more rest and study for the hurdles that's to come. But no. Even flips and movements are getting abit off form, well I mean my sideflips are totally slanted now and my backflips are sloppy. Handstands are getting frustratingly difficult to handle now, so much for playing the computer and not drilling them as much as I did in the past. I don't know why I am spending countless hours, directionless on the computer. Well I understand I have the get my daily dosage of Facebook and Youtube, but once things are done I'm still randomly moving my cursor aimlessly, trying to fill my remaining time of the day on websites that mean nothing to me.

Anyway the Zouk Performance was a blast, which had me getting over the fear of flips on concrete and forget about how sloppy my tricks were and just do it. Granted, it is a small crowd, but my pressure during the performance was nearly zero. Things went so well in the actual performance despite cock-ups in the rehearsals. Best thing was how good we all worked together and getting paid for doing what we like. First time goes a long way.

Money is still a problem for me now, unwilling to spend money, still needs alot of saving up to do, with certain camera problems I'm facing now. Maybe I was overboard. Next week is Sept Holidays and I shall make use of the no-school time to gym and travel abit, BUT still study to prepare for the Big O's. Prelims results will only be released after the holidays, hopefully by then I'm fully charged to the main exams of secondary school life.

Also I found the fun from blogging, and really although it ticks hours away from the clock, it's a way to vent your anger, into pixelated words on the monitor. When people reads, either they understand or misinterpret it.

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