Saturday, November 7, 2009


Exams over, time to play, but more of slack seriously. don't know if i got the enough commitment to find a job.

today at boxfit, trained with tutu for the first half, was a deadlift (core training) day, decided to skip presses, did pullups (which totally sucks) and front squats as a supplementary exercise. that supposed to be the 2nd exercise of the day but things don't go as planned you know - people using the squat rack, one after another. sadly the 2nd person who used it was doing deadlifts, and bent over rows, sharing with another person as well, doing plenty of sets, while me over there waited for minutes after minutes watching them do badly executed lifts, and whole lot of stupidity. those kind of lifts can be done on the floor, but they want the squat rack, fuck sia. share also dont want share, selfish-core, despite several pleas. of course the guy, with his egotistic mindset of i'm better you're just a small kid, went on doing his own stuffs, tried to act big, but failed. i know that if i aggravated the matter enough, i might get punched hard, especially that guy is a trained lifter, big size and all, definitely i can't deal much of impact. hais fuck this kind of people appearing in boxfit, using intimidation to win people. they're childish.

things like this happens and spoils your mood in an instant, making the thoughts inside your mind like a whirlwind - repeated thoughts of the scene, thinking of what ways you could've changed what you've done or just constantly cursing the guy, all these tweaks your facial expression to show the abhorrence of the situation happening right infront of you. boils your nerves, wanting your hands to turn into a fist, giving a knuckle sandwich right there and then. however reality seeps in before your body could go off course - doing such wouldn't rectify the situation at all, in fact it merely worsens it. seriously all you could do is to forget about such stupid people and mind your own business.

just forget about such retarded experiences and focus ahead,
today i got one new move, roll to sideflip. rather easy actually. i think my backflip got better in terms of being able to do it anytime and however i want, although its still lamely slanted. frontflip utterly slackened, used to be able to get so much height from it, now not even being able to control the landing or knowing the time to untuck, need so much more practice still. landings in all are still rather impactful, need to strive for controlled landings now that i can get them to second nature. my roundoff back is ok, i think i roughly know the technique, but needs more practice in a safe area, because it times to travel dangerously diagonally. sideflips getting more align. need to get over fear of gainers in one way or another now, and constantly practice the basics, and apply them into the streets.

impacts impacts impacts, still unable to get myself to do all movements within my level of control. i can land well, save myself well, but all of this not when the movement is too big, or not in the right state of mind (fatigued or unfocused). whatever it is, i should humble my movements and go back to the simple stuffs that are not beyond my ability of control. just no need big moves man.

gonna need to find time to really film, timelapse and artistic shots, and put my angles and camera movements into work, not just little boring angles. and static shots. 23 lame seconds of my video, i got 540 subscribers now, i wonder how much more would ARGHRUN! bring.

holidays now, time for proper training in boxfit, and movements outside, wondering if i could squeeze two days a week of work, and some other days for outings with my friends.

some mini goals. 3 times a week gym, handstands daily (improved alot but still not confident of saying that i could do the handstand anytime and anyhow i want yet), lesser impact lesser pushing, controlled landings all round, more humble, more trainings on frontflips, relax and stay happy.

btw, add-on to the 'traceurs in their delusions' post
"I forgot to mention how elitist our clique are. Self proclaimed 'higher-class' traceurs. We are damn egotistical, face it. Actually, don't just say the more experienced batch, just traceurs in general (however, not all, they are handful of humble ones). Just look at some newcomers, they feel as if they are so good, they HAVE to be respected, any (even minor) insults are taken as if a stab in their reputation. Thus they rebutt to your (rather harsh but truthful) replies thinking they you ain't any better, or 'if' you are, they'll think you're a big shot. Just like us, everytime we see a newcomer doing stupid things, we don't try to correct, instead we try to disgrace them, badmouthing them behind their backs. And we hardly try to teach anyone properly, and label much of newcomers as posers."

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