Monday, December 3, 2007


Yesterday training was good, managed to nail stuffs at NC's hotspot and blah. But it is also a training where I finally realize something.

It is time to change, for real.

I don't know why, although I lost count of the number of times I've mentioned stuffs like these, I still never put them into practice. Yeah, it is all those bullshits you have read in my past posts. Why? Seriously, I don't know why, but I really want to change right now. I hope I really do what I say, and I hope this is last post about it. Mistakes after mistakes after mistakes, yet I ddin't learn from them, even when I got warned. Why...

You are going to read stuffs that I've probably had stated before, but this is just for my own references.

First things first. Listening to my body, a must. If you think you can't do it, If you think you are going to bail, if you are scared, seriously don't do it. I've been pushing myself too far, thats why I'm progressing so fast but with no stability and control. I've been trying to push my limits so far, but with no solid foundation. This is why progressing so fast leads to bad things. Sometimes I don't know why I do stuffs without actually thinking, especially when those stuffs are dangerous. Don't know why I do all those reckless stuffs, which could eventually leads to injuries, or long-term injuries.

And yeah, I'm forcing myself too often, doing movements that are at my maximum level, or even bigger then that. Either I do them and bail/fail, or just make it by a centimeter which of course means a bad landing. I just don't know my limits, which really sucks. And I also have this kind of mindset, where if I can do something before, I must be able to do it again, and if I don't make it, I will keep on doing it until I can make it, usually badly controlled. Either that or bail. Only in rare cases I can do it controlled. I don't know why, but I always succumb to my temptations. Not only in Parkour but in almost everything else, like eating junky food. This is why I must have self-control.

I want to do basic and lower impact stuffs, and stop doing the big, high-impacts, and possibly dangerous movements. So I will do stuffs that are 80% of my maximum and lower, and make them as controlled and (almost) perfect and landing correctly them 99% of the time. That is for my base foundation. Until they are rock solid, then I will slowly increase my level bit by bit. I better stop doing big stuffs, or else I'm going to screw up my knees/shoulders.

Bails and unnecessary injuries and something that I want to get rid of. It is almost inevitable to not bail when I train. Every training session I would get some injury or stupid bail, due to carelessness, recklessness, stupidity, and lack of focus. Heard them before? Don't know how many times I repeated those few words. But I really wish to stop bailing, sometimes it is bound to happen, but not when I'm careful and focused. So I must learn how to clear my mind and focus before attempting something, and stop doing stupid and reckless stuffs.

One thing about injuries is, even how serious, I still tend to continue training with the injury, and sometimes never treat the injury with care. Worse still, I still continue to do all the high impact stuffs, with the injury. I guess after 20/30 years down the road, knee injuries and whatever probelms will start coming, but hopefully not. Again all these stuffs need self-control, to be able to control yourself to stop doing movements until you get healed.

Next, strength training. I never been training strength recently. My muscleups still needs alot of practice. I still cant do them at least 50% of the time. So much more practice needed, and I think I need more pulling power. I haven't got weights, but I guess I'm getting them soon. I still need the 2x bodyweight squats and deadlifts, so I won't be doing Blane's method of training yet, so meanwhile I will be doing pistols, duckwalking, quadrupedals, light dynamic movements, and basically strengthening the whole range of motion of my leg. Until I get them, I will start doing plyometrics and dynamic Parkour movements for leg explosiveness. I also need core stability, so I will be working on handstands, L-sits and the like. Sadly I still got those irritating quadriceps and triceps cramps while attempting them, but I can almost do the L-pullup already.

I still need to condition alot though. Also adding to my trainings is to do more shimmying, pullups, static holds, quadrupedals, all for endurance actually. I've reconsidered about Operation Pull, and I decided to continue it like usual, doing as many as I can per day. I think doing this will eventually make me endurant, or maybe gain more power, because doing so little a day will hardly improve anything. I'll make sure I stretch alot everyday so I won't be sore the next day. And hopefully doing more of them can condition my body to the workout so I won't get muscle soreness that often. I'm at 365 forces, hoping to increase to 500 tomorrow.

And for barefoot training, I will do them once or twice a week, to maintain and improve the condition of my feet. Again, the most important thing is to do everything small, and in this case only 50% of my maximum level. And don't do anything stupid. And for my movements training I will practice my rolls as soon as possible (after my lowbackhip area gets healed), and more balance practice, and of course small precisions.

My nutrition improved alot since last time. Through self-control I managed to stop eating the unhealthy and fattening chicken skin, and eat the meat instead. I've been eating more fruits then usual. Eggs, milo(cereal) with milk and breads with peanut butter are becoming my daily food intake, unlike last time. And I'm eating less KFC and unhealthy food already. I'm so happy. But I still need alot more protein and lesser unhealthy stuffs, and veggies? Urghh.

Some changes to trainings. Low, small, basic movements, no more high impacts and big stuffs. Stop being stupid, careless and reckless, and be more careful and clear my mind and focus before attempting stuffs. Stop bailing. Control yourself. Know your limits. Listen to my body. Think before I attempt something. Stop pushing my limits. Progress gradually, incrementally and carefully. Don't force myself to do difficult stuffs. Do stuffs controlled. Train barefooted once/twice a week, slowly. Start more conditioning and strength training soon. Practice muscleups, balance, rolls. Eat better and healthier.

Something out of Parkour right now. I've been messing around poles, lamp posts, bars, rails and stuffs like that, and it is kinda fun! Hopefully one day I can do flag, handstands (on rails), more bar tricks, more pole tricks, and oh yeah tricking. Something that I've haven't been training for a long time. I need to get backflips, frontflips, sideflips, aerial, wallflips, dupla (maybe), some basic twists, and maybe some other basics stuffs, but of course I don't wanna go too far. And I wanna practice wallspins and palmspins for the fun of it. And try out some wall tricks as well.

My shoes is getting suckier, it is not really that durable although the grip is not bad. I wanna buy Nike Dart IV because I heard it is quite good. Although I will still train barefooted. And oh yeah, I wanna get a good long pants and more dri-fit outfit that can absorb sweat pretty well.

Deleted some posts which I find redundant. I'm trying to make some minor changes to the blog soon. And I'm gonna make long weekly posts from now on. I don't wanna make daily long posts which doesn't really state anything. And I'm wasting my time doing that.

Somehow my sleep is getting better. Now I'm sleep more or less the correct timing and wake up not that late anymore. And I don't take long to sleep, which is good. Finally I can sleep better.

Expect more videos in my Youtube Channel. The videos would be nothing out of the ordinary anyway, just normal training videos, because I don't like the concept of doing big stuffs for the camera, but sadly it is something that I'm doing right now. How sad. And yeah, the delayed PKSG video might pop out anytime, and hopefully the video would be a good one.

I think I'm going to travel around Singapore to train very soon. To find quiet, better, unique, new hotspots. Training in front of the public and at the same place everytime sucks. I don't mind needing to spend time and money to go far away from here, but the thing is that the trip is must be good. Haha. Anyone wanna tag along?

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